Transformers Metrobase: An Overview


What if you discovered that a secret war was waging on Earth, one that determined the fate of all humanity? What if you were recruited to fight in this war? What if vehicles......were actually shape-shifting alien robots?

Well, here, that is exactly the case. In this new establishment of N.E.S.T. (Non-biological Extraterrestrial Species Treaty), a military alliance between humans and the Autobots, the people of London are being recruited. Their mission: help protect the world from the evil Decepticons, who want to wipe out humanity and take over the world.

This area is designed in an interesting way. This fuses modern British architecture with a futuristic 1980s design, giving it a very Sci-Fi feel. Although this is the smallest of the five worlds, it still has a lot to see. From a battle to save the world to a thrilling duel coaster, this has some of the most thrilling rides in the park.


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